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Testimonials for OrganaLabs Products:

OrganaLabs products are sold in quality Medical Marijuana Centers all over Colorado. Here's what customers have to say about them.

About CannaTabs:

"Greetings to the cannabis community! My name is Amy and I am an industry professional, cannabis connoisseur and sales director at a local dispensary. OrganaLabs has literally had a transformative effect on my life! Their 10mg CannaTabs completely knock out my severe uterine pain and cramping from my monthly moon cycle. Usually I am curled up in the fetal position, completely unable to function due to sharp, stabbing pain and the nausea that accompanies it. But now, I have the freedom to do whatever I desire. I used to rely on a prescription to synthetic lab produced pain killers to remedy the pain, and now I rely on Organa Lab's Canna Tabs, The natural prescription!" -A. D.

"CannaTabs are amazing pills. It's better than taking pain medication or narcotics. After getting out of the hospital, I've had trouble sleeping, so I went to Evergreen Apothecary and I bought some Canna Tabs. I had a great night's sleep that I have not had in months with Canna Tabs. The next day I woke up refreshed to start my day." -K.S.